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  • latishalinder

OutLiving Retreats is Open!

Updated: Feb 26, 2023

Welcome! If you don't know me, I'm LaTisha. I thrive on bringing people together. I'll use any excuse to plan a gathering. I can't have enough friends, and I'm not saying that quantity is better than quality because my friends are badass! It's like I can't turn off the friend-making part of my brain. This isn't a brag, but also yes it is. So many women cannot make friends, can't find friends, or just don't have the time. I'm here to tell you a village is so important and everyone should make the time to make good friends. You need the help, the sounding boards, the people to commiserate with, to celebrate with, to enrich your life.

Adults struggle to make new friends. It's awkward to walk up to someone when you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and say, "Hey! Want to go on a friend date?" You might laugh, but the person you ask is likely thinking the same thing. Ask someone to go to coffee, have a playdate with your kids, go to a school function, talk to the parents at sporting events, have a birthday party for your kid, do whatever you can to build on those connections. These things do not come naturally to everyone, but I'm hoping I can help with that! Whether you read my blogs and get some ideas or courage to do it yourself, or attend a weekend retreat and immerse yourself in a new environment with new people, please put yourself first once in a while. Women who have friends will have the ability to help their own kids make friends. Women who put their own well-being and happiness first tend to be be better parents and people.

Speaking in generalities, many men have hobbies and friends and alone time. Guess what ladies, women can do those things, too! Happy, healthy parents are the best parents. I can't have a conversation with your spouse, but I can help you learn to advocate for yourself and your needs. This is not to say I'm going to teach you how to fight with your spouse, in fact, I hope I can help you grow that relationship, too. My marriage is something I'm fiercely proud of and I wish more people were as happy in their romantic relationships as I am. Not just romantic relationships either, my hope is that everyone can have successful happy relationships in all aspects of their lives; friends, family, and significant others.

My FIRST Real Retreat

My first retreat is planned for April...actually I'm planning two! Every retreat will be unique because people are unique and there will be different people at each one! Activities and food will also vary between retreats, so if you anytime you need to fill up your cup, please attend another weekend!

Part of my love of retreats is finding new and interesting places to host them. The first two locations have water and kayaks. Do I know how to kayak? Meh. But am I excited to try something new, outside, and use my body? Hell Yes! We'll also journal, discuss, work on goal setting, improve self image and self confidence, while making new friends. This isn't a class I'm teaching but an open communication among the group. I learn from people everyday and I think community is so very important for everyone. I just hope to help everyone feel included and motivated to seek out or build a community of their own.

March 31-April 1 is on the lake in Warsaw, Missouri.

I look forward to meeting so many new people and experiencing life at every retreat! Please reach out anytime.

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